One page Summaries of I/UCRC and Graduate Research
Title: Data Acquisition for Smartphone Sensors Based Activity Recognition
Author: Huan Song, SenSIP Center, School of ECEE, ASU
Title: Mobile Modules for Multidisciplinary STEM Education
Authors: A. Spanias and M. K. Banavar
Title: Consensus Graph and Auto-context Modelling for Feature Fusion
Author: Huan Song, SenSIP Center, School of ECEE, ASU
Title: Cramer-Rao lower bound Analysis in Sequential Sensor Localization
Authors: Xue Zhang, Mahesh K. Banavar, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, Andreas Spanias
Title: Array Signal Recovery based on Matrix Completion
Authors: Jie Fan, SenSIP Center, School of ECEE, ASU
Title: App Development for Solar Sensor System Monitoring and Analytics
Authors: David Ramirez, SenSIP Center, School of ECEE, ASU
Title: A Musical Query-By-Humming Implementation Project
Authors: JJ Robertson, David Ramirez, Riyan Setiadji, and Rashed Alneyadi
Title: Estimation of Extreme Values in Distributed Networks
Authors: Sai Zhang, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, and Andreas Spanias