Andreas Spanias, PhD, West Virginia University, SenSIP Director, (School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering)
Research areas: Digital signal processing, multimedia signal processing, speech and audio coding, adaptive filters, real-time processing of sensor data, signal processing for the arts.
Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, PhD, University of Minnesota, (School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering)
Research areas: Wireless communications, statistical signal processing, estimation and equalization algorithms for wireless systems, filterbanks and multirate systems, carrier synchronization for OFDM systems, power estimation and handoff algorithms, spacetime coding, ultrawideband communications.
Konstantinos S. Tsakalis, PhD, University of Southern California , (School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering)
Research areas: Adaptive control
Martin Reisslein, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, (School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering).
Research areas: Multimedia streaming in wireless environments, traffic characteristics of encoded video, metro WDM networks, and engineering education.
Rosemary Renaut, PhD, University of Cambridge, (Director of the Computational Biosciences Program, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics).
Research areas: Numerical analysis, partial differential equations, finite difference methods for hyperbolic equations, design of parallel algorithms, parallel optimization algorithms for 3D visualization of the brain.
Yanchao Zhang, PhD, University of Florida, (School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering).
Research areas: Network and distributed system security, wireless networking, and mobile/pervasive computing.
Oliver Kosut , PhD, Cornell University, (electrical and computer engineering).
Research areas:Information theory, power systems and smart grids, cyber-security, machine learning.
Pavan Turaga , PhD, University of Maryland, College Park (ECE Department).
Research areas: representational foundations for structured and unstructured imaging-data and applied aspects of aforesaid foundations in areas such as security and mobile-health.
Visar Berisha , PhD, Arizona State University.
Research areas: Statistical signal processing, speech perception and processing, psychoacoustics.
Ahmed Ewaisha, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University.
Research areas: Broad area of wireless communications and networking with a focus on developing algorithms to guarantee acceptable quality-of-service for real-time applications.
Jennifer Blain Christen, Ph.D., electrical and computer engineering, Johns Hopkins University.
Research areas: Bio-compatible integration techniques for CMOS electronics/sensors, microfluidics, and soft lithography, bio-MEMS, low power analog and mixed-mode circuits for bio-medical/analytical instrumentation, systems engineering focusing on multi-physics/multi-modal and feedback including neural, electrochemical and optical/fluorescence systems
Suren Jayasuriya, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer engineering, Cornell University.
Research areas: Computational Imaging and Photography, Computer Vision, Sensors
Anna Scaglione, Ph.D., University of Rome, La Sapienza.
Research areas: Statistical signal and array processing, sensor networks and network science, communication and information theory, energy delivery and power systems.
Robert LiKamWa, Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rice University, in Houston, Texas.
Research areas: Mobile operating systems; mobile computer architecture; low-power mobile systems; computational imaging systems; computer vision systems; augmented reality systems; virtual reality systems; holographic computing.
Michael Goryll, Ph.D., RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Research areas: Surface and interface physics, new materials in CMOS processing, fabrication of nanoscale semiconductor devices, transport phenomena in nanopores, integration of biomineralized structures with silicon MEMS, electrophysiological properties of cell membrane ion channels, low-noise analog amplifier design, electronic instrumentation for biophysical measurements.
Trevor Thornton, Ph.D., Physics, Cambridge University.
Research areas: Silicon-on-insulator MESFETs, molecular electronics, and sensors, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS).
Gregory Raupp, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Research areas: Reaction kinetics and mechanisms, surface and interface reactions, chemical reaction engineering with emphasis on high tech materials and micro/nanofabrication for flexible electronics and displays, environmentally-conscious manufacturing, novel biocompatible materials processing and device fabrication, photocatalysis, photocatalytic reactor analysis and design, air pollution control, indoor air purification and disinfection, electrochemical engineering, process dynamics and control, process design, active learning, cooperative/team learning, distance learning.
Wendy Barnard, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Research areas: Parent and community involvement and the impact on school success, Teacher Candidate use of data to inform practice during student-teaching, Use of Routine-Based Interviews for IFSP goal setting, Preschool quality, and school success, Perceptions of working conditions on teacher efficacy.
Erica Forzani Associate Professor, SEMTE.
Research areas: Chemical and biosensors, non-invasive sensors, sensor integration, wireless and lab-on-cell-phone sensors
Katina Michael, Professor, SFIS
Ph.D., University of Wollongong, Australia
Research areas: Barcodes, Magnetic-stripe Cards, Smart Cards, Biometrics, Radio-frequency ID, IOT, Implants, Nanotechnology,
Artificial Intelligence, Automated Facial Recognition, Machine Ethics, Robotics, Automation, Driverless Cars
Jia Zou, Assistant Professor, CIDSE
Ph.D., Tsinghua University, China
Research areas: Building and improving data-intensive distributed systems, e.g. database systems, machine learning systems, block-chain transaction systems, and so on, for deterministic performance and declarative development of various dynamic applications.
Lauren Keeler, Assistant professor, SFIS
Ph.D., Arizona State University
Research areas: Use of foresight methods to explore complex governance challenges in sustainability, including climate governance, water governance, the governance of emerging technologies, and urban planning for sustainability.
Mi Yeon Lee, Assistant professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.
Ph.D., Indiana University-Bloomington
Research areas: Lee’s research focuses on how to design activities for STEM education and make connections between science, mathematics, and engineering through problem-based learning. Lee and her colleague are investigating in-service elementary teachers’ use of a mathematical game to improve mathematical concepts of ELL students
Gautam Dasarathy, Assistant professor, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research areas: Machine learning, statistics, signal processing, networked systems, and information theory.
Ahmed Alkhateeb, Assistant professor, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin
Research areas: Millimeter Wave and Massive MIMO Communication, Vehicular and Drone Communication Systems and Machine Learning Based Wireless Communication.
Giulia Pedrielli, Assistant professor, School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Research areas: Stochastics and simulation with a particular interest in simulation based optimization, blackbox optimization, and developing techniques at the crossroads between optimization and machine learning
Christian Arenz, Assistant professor, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, Aberystwyth University (UK), 2016
Research areas: Quantum control theory, Quantum information science, Quantum optics, Quantum information theory, Open quantum systems, Variational quantum algorithms