REU Site: Sensor, Signal and Information Processing (SenSIP) Devices and Algorithms

Program Ended December 31, 2022

REU New site: Click Here

PIs: A. Spanias and J. Blain Christen

This fourth-year REU site will be hosted at the ASU main campus and will recruit nine undergraduate students per year in the summer for nine weeks. The Sensor, Signal and Information Processing (SenSIP) Devices and Algorithms REU will provide integrative research experiences at the overlap of sensor device design and algorithm development. Most of the projects will be under the auspices of the Sensor Signal and Information Processing (SenSIP) center which is an Arizona Board of Regents program that also has a Phase 2 Industry/ University Cooperative Research Center site of NCSS (award 1540040). SenSIP and the Co-PIs collaborate closely with several faculties whose labs are central to the research theme of this REU site. This REU benefits from experiences gained from prior REU, REV and RET supplements of SenSIP which have produced research publications, presentations and publications, and a patent pre-disclosure.


REU Site Objectives

a) introduce students to general research practices by immersing them in research activities;

b) engage students in the integrated design of sensor devices and DSP and machine learning methods;

c) motivate REU students to innovate, pursue research careers, and attend graduate school;

d) provide cross-cutting training: presentations skills, patent and publication preparations;

e) provide strong experiences in multidisciplinary research.

  1. A. Spanias, J. Blain Christen, T. Thornton, K. Anderson, M. Goryll, H. Arafa, U. Shanthamallu, E. Forzani, H. Ross, W. Barnard, S. Ozev, “The Sensor Signal and Information Processing REU Site, ” Proc. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference, Paper ID 23616,  Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2018
  2. A. Spanias and J. Blain Christen,  “A STEM REU Site On The Integrated Design of Sensor Devices and Signal Processing Algorithms’,” Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2018, Calgary, April  2018.
  3.  F. Khondoker, U. Shanthamallu, T. Thornton, A. Spanias, “Optimizing Activity Detection Using Sensor Fusion,” The 9th IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IEEE IISA 2018), Zakynthos, July. 2018.
  4.  C. Snyder, J. B. Christen, and H. M. Ross, “Human Factors Engineering for Mobile Health Applications,”2017 IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies (HI-POCT) conference. 2017.
  5. M. Zhu, U. Obahiagbon, K. S. Anderson, and J. B. Christen, “Highly Sensitive Fluorescence-based Lateral Flow Platform for Point-of-Care Detection of Biomarkers in Plasma,” IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies (HI-POCT) Conference, 2017.
  6. F. Khondoker, T. Thornton, A. Spanias, “Modeling Activity Detection via Sensor Fusion,” National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Poster, Oklahoma, April 2018.
  7. Mohan, Divya, Sameeksha Katoch, Suren Jayasuriya, Pavan Turaga, and Andreas Spanias. “Adaptive video subsampling for energy-efficient object detection.” In 2019 53rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 103-107. IEEE, 2019.
  8. Mohan, Divya, Sameeksha Katoch, Suren Jayasuriya, Pavan Turaga, and Andreas Spanias. “An REU Experience in Machine Learning and Computational Cameras.” In 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. 1-5. IEEE, Cincinnati, Oct. 2019.
  9. Christie, O., Rego, J., & Jayasuriya, S. (2020, October). Analyzing Sensor Quantization Of Raw Images For Visual Slam. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 246-250). IEEE, Taipei, Sept. 2019.
  10. Narayanaswamy, Vivek Sivaraman, Uday Shankar Shanthamallu, Abhinav Dixit, Sunil Rao, Raja Ayyanar, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, Andreas S. Spanias et al. “Online Modules to Introduce Students to Solar Array Control using Neural Nets.” In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. Tampa, June  2019.
  11. Pedersen, E., Rao, S., Katoch, S., Jaskie, K., Spanias, A., Tepedelenlioglu, C., & Kyriakides, E. (2019, July). PV array fault detection using radial basis networks. In 2019 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA) (pp. 1-4). IEEE, Patras, July 2019.
  12. Iqbal, O., Siddiqui, S., Martin, J., Katoch, S., Spanias, A., Bliss, D., & Jayasuriya, S.. Design and FPGA Implementation Of An Adaptive Video Subsampling Algorithm For Energy-Efficient Single Object Tracking. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 3065-3069). IEEE, UAE,  Oct. 2020.

This program is funded by NSF CISE award 1659871.