NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) on Sensors and Machine Learning
RET Summer 2025 Schedule: June 2 – June 27, 2025
Application form: Click Here
Application deadline is March 15, 2025 (this will be a rolling deadline until all spots are filled)
The SenSIP RET program allows local, STEM-focused K-12 teachers and community college faculty to participate in cutting-edge sensor and machine learning research. Teachers engage in curriculum development and design and implement lesson plans on project research focusing on areas of machine learning for several applications including health, sustainability, and energy.
2024 SenSIP RET Information Flyer
2023 SenSIP RET Information Flyer
2022 SenSIP RET Information Flyer
2021 SenSIP RET Information Flyer
2021 SenSIP RET Project Descriptions
2022 SenSIP RET Project Descriptions
Additional Program Information
Activities Summer Session 2020
Activities Summer Session 2021
Activities Summer Session 2022
Activities Summer Session 2023
Program Overview
The RET program is hosted by the SenSIP center which is an industry-university cooperative research center (I/UCRC) sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and its industry members. SenSIP’s mission is to develop sensor and machine learning innovations for a variety of applications including health, security, and sustainability. Specific applications include:
- Machine Learning for Energy Studies and Solar Arrays
- Signal processing and AI algorithms for Health Diagnostics
- Machine Learning and DSP for Communications
- Imaging and Vision Applications to Smart Cameras
- Machine Learning for Flexible Sensors
We are seeking K-12 and community college teachers that are interested in engaging with the SenSIP Center in these areas through a program supported by NSF that provides stipends for teacher training. The summer Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program in the SenSIP laboratories at the ASU campus will provide an opportunity for teachers to directly participate in research as well as develop a related lesson plan that they will take back and incorporate into their own classroom in the coming academic year.
Program Dates
June 2 – June 27, 2025
Program Benefits
- $8000 ($6k +$2k) stipend. The additional $2k requires lesson implementation and research report submission.
- Teachers/Instructors work on projects with ASU Professors and Graduate student researchers on cutting edge topics.
- Teachers/Instructors learn how to program machine learning algorithms for analytics.
- Teachers/Instructors learn to work sensor circuits for health related and other applications.
- Teachers/Instructors form lesson plans on machine algorithms and implement in their classes.
Program Eligibility
- Open to U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents.
- High school teachers or community college faculty in STEM areas (Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Chem, Bio, Math).
- Ability to work 40 hours per week for the entire 5-week program (NSF requires 100% engagement in June)
- Teachers (or those serving students) from diverse groups and underrepresented STEM programs are encouraged to apply.
Program Application
Applications due by March 15, 2025 and will require the following:
- A completed online application.
- A brief resume/CV.
- A professional letter of recommendation (department chair, principal, colleague, etc.).
How to Apply
Complete the online application form.
As part of the application process, be prepared to upload the following in PDF format:
- A brief resume/CV
- A professional letter of recommendation(department chair, principal, colleague, etc.)