Programs of SenSIP with Federal Agencies
NSF IRES with DCU on Machine Learning for Health Monitoring and Wearable Devices (300k)
NSF MRI grant on Machine Learning for Solar Arrays (500k)
NSF IRES with UCy on Machine Learning for PV Monitoring (300k)
- REU Site on Sensors and Algorithms ($300k)
- Cyberphysical Systems Program, NSF ($600k)
- Sensor Apps and Modules, NSF ($800k)
- Research Endeavors in Sensors and Signal processing, NSF ($300k)
- Wireless Communications Foundations for Consensus Networks ($400k)
- Sensors for Environmental Monitoring, NIH, ($800k)
- Dysathric Speech Detection, NSF and NIH, ($400k)
- Machine Learning ($400k), Office of Naval Research
- Flexible Sensor Manufacturing, $4M, NIST & NSF (pending)
- 2nd Phase SenSIP I/UCRC, NSF ($280k)
Previous Grants and Awards
- EXP-SA: DSP Algorithms for Silicon Ion-Channel Sensors, ASU share $450,000, 2007-2012
- Collaborative Research: Phase 3 Design, Implementation and Dissemination of Multidisciplinary online Java Digital Signal Processing (J-DSP) Materials, ASU share $1,200,000, 2008-2015
- Arts and Media Technologies, NSF, ($3M)
- Biomedical Innovations Using Implementation-Aware Agile Sensing and Signal Processing, 2008-2012 (400k)
- Planning Grant: I/UCRC; SenSIP, A Research Site of the Net-Centric Software and Systems Center, 2009-2010 ($10K)
- I/UCRC CGI : SenSIP – A Research Site of the Net-Centric Software and Systems Center, 2010-2015 ($350K)
- I/UCRC: FRP:Sensor Fusion Research for Net-Centric Applications, $200,000, 2012-2015
- Distributed and Robust Estimation for Cyberphysical Systems using a Nonlinear Consensus Approach, $350,000$, 2013-2016
- GOALI: Intelligent Networked Solar Panel Array Management, $300,000, 2013-2016
- Collaborative Research: Integrated Development of Scalable Mobile Multidisciplinary Modules (SM3) for STEM Education, $490,000, 2015-2021
- I/UCRC Phase II: ASU Research Site of the NSF Net-Centric and Cloud Software and Systems I/UCRC, 2016 – 2023, $250,000
- I/UCRC: Workshops Promoting International USA-Mexico Collaborations in Sensors and Signal Processing, 2015-2016
- PI: M. Reisslein, NSF-EEC, “Instructional Sequences in Pre-College Engineering Education”, 10/15/2010 – 10/14/2013, $400,000
- David Frakes(PI),”Brain Aneurysm Foundation Research Grant” (2010), $10k
- David Frakes(PI),”Army Research Lab Phase I SBIR Extension” (2010), $50k
- David Frakes(PI),”Women and Philanthropy Society Category B Grant” (2010), $50k
- David Frakes(PI),”Army Research Lab Phase I SBIR” (2010), $100k
- David Frakes(PI),”Arizona Biomedical Research Commission Grant” (2009), $150k
- National Instruments: DSP and Sensor LabVIEW Software for Use in Research and Education, A. Spanias, H. Thornburg, K. Tsakalis, $25,000, 4/2008-4/2009.
- NSF Collaborative Research Phase 3: Design, Implementation and Dissemination of Multidisciplinary online Java Digital Signal Processing (J-DSP) Materials, A. Spanias, A. Papandreou-Suppappola, C. Tepedelenlioglu, R. Ayyanar, H. Thornburg, $1,022,777, 8/2008 – 8/2013.
- NSF Collaborative Research: J-DSP and Astronomical-Calibrated Time Scale, A. Spanias ($450,000 with JHU and Purdue), 7/2007-7/2010, $125,000.
- NSF: Biomedical Innovations Using Implementation-Aware Agile Sensing and Signal Processing, A. Papandreou-Suppappola (PI), A. Spanias, C. Chakrabarti Aug 1, 2008, $375000.
- NSF CCF, SING: Efficient Survivable Routing in Next Generation Networks, G. Xue, Sep 2008–Aug 2011, $240,000.