The ASU Sensor Signal and Information Processing (SenSIP) Center houses the research activities of several faculty members. SenSIP research encompasses the following focus areas:
- Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
- Agile Sensing Research
- Digital Communications
- Information Networks
- Multimedia Networks
- Image and Video Processing
- Java Systems
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Speech and Audio Processing
Over the past seven years, SenSIP faculty members have received prestigious NSF CAREER and ONR YIP awards. Electrical engineering graduate students are key contributors to the Center’s research, and several doctoral graduates now hold prestigious faculty and research positions at institutions such as the University of Texas, Polytechnic University of New York, MIT Lincoln Laboratory and IBM Research. SenSIP’s visibility has been enhanced by its working relationship with Raytheon on sensing applications, its success in two MURI awards, its collaboration with ASU’s Arts, Media and Engineering (AME) program and its partnership in NIH activities. Research sponsors of the Center include DARPA, AFOSR, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the National Science Foundation (NSF), General Dynamics, Motorola Inc., Intel Corporation, and Seagate Technologies. The group has founded an industry consortium with research activities in sensor signal processing, communications, DSP, and information networks.
- Cost effective and reduced overhead research.
- Projects co-defined/co-advised by industry members and faculty.
- Consortium students spend time both at ASU and industry site.
- Privileged access to student portfolios; Student accessible only to consortium members.
- Industry members tap on SenSIP faculty expertise; ASU knowledge base in signal processing,
communications, sensor networks, software and hardware, speech, video and multimedia systems.
- Access to algorithms/tools/documents useful to the industry community.
- The SenSIP consortium can create customized courses for the industry members.
- SenSIP faculty organize and give seminars on topics defined by industry members.
- One half day short course per year on topics covered by our faculty.
- SenSIP Website access available to industry members with repository of software tools.
- Conference reports from conference visits in target areas.
- Organize training workshops on sensors, DSP, communications.
- Membership in the industry advisory board where industry members defines research directions.
- Industry-friendly IP Arrangeme
nt. Royalty free non-exclusive IP rights on shared research. - Recruiting advantage by developing relationships with students at an early stage.
- Program involves over twenty faculty with full research facilities.
- SenSIP Graduate training certificate in sensors and signal processing.