Jie Fan, PhD

Student Name: Jie Fan, PhD, SenSIP 

Email: [email protected]


Jie Fan is a PhD student at Arizona State University, co-advised by Dr. Andreas Spanias and Dr. Cihan Tepedelenlioglu. He completed B.E. degree in electrical engineering and the automatization from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, in 2014. His research interests include array processing, data recovery, data classification and graph theory. In recent years, his research involves data classification and clustering through graph-based techniques.

Research Work

In recent years, graph-structured datasets and their processing are experiencing a surge in various areas including wireless sensor networks, social networks, image processing and deep learning. Towards this goal, traditional DSP theory has been generalized to graph signal processing (DSPG). The DSPG framework enables applications of fundamental techniques, such as filtering and frequency analysis, to graph signals. Our recent research focuses on improving the accuracy of graph filters for data classification. We implement our algorithms on both real and synthetic datasets.

Research Picture:



  1. Jie Fan, Andreas Spanias and Cihan Tepedelenligolu, “A signal recovery method for array processing,” in IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Feb. 2017
  2. Jie Fan, Tepedelenligolu and Andreas Spanias, “Graph filtering with multiple graph shift matrices,” in ICASSP, 2019. (Submitted)
  3. Uday S. Shanthamallu, Sunil Rao, Abhinav Dixit, Vivek S. Narayanaswamy, Jie Fan, Andreas Spanias, “Introducing machine learning in undergraduate DSP class,” in ICASSP, 2019. (Submitted)


I acknowledge the SenSIP Center of Electrical Engineering for the excellent advisory and support.