Student Name: Deep Pujara, PhD, SenSIP
Email: [email protected]
Current Project: Click Here
Deep Dhavalbhai Pujara received his bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Gujarat, India. Currently, he is in the direct Ph.D. program in the Electrical, Computer, and Energy engineering school at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
As a Research Associate at the SenSIP Lab, Arizona State University, Deep is working on a solar, signal processing, and machine learning-based project under the mentorship of Professor Andreas Spanias and Professor Cihan Tepedelenlioglu. Parallelly, he is working as a Teaching Associate for the course EEE 407/591 (Digital Signal Processing). In the class, he is helping students understand the DSP-related concepts and helping them solve their doubts. During the summer of 2023, Deep worked at Skyworks Solutions as a Broadcast Application Engineering Intern. He designed an advanced USB to SPI bridge (REV 2.0) in ORCAD with enhanced functionality, including 4 chip select and reset lines, and implemented efficient C++ driver code to ensure seamless data transfer and device interaction, maintaining compatibility and improving performance compared to REV 1.0.
Moreover, during his undergraduate, Deep honed his skills at the Space Applications Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), where he worked on two signal processing and communication projects as part of his final semester internship. He also made an impressive showing in the National Level Smart India Hackathon, leading his team to victory with a project based on a problem statement given by SAC-ISRO. Deep’s work has already garnered recognition in the form of three conference presentations, one of which earned him a 2nd Best Paper award.
Grateful to the ASU SenSIP Center for the opportunities and support they have provided for collaboration and research projects with the industry.
- D. Pujara, P. Kukreja and S. Gajjar, “Design and Development of E-Sense: IoT based Environment Monitoring System,” 2020 IEEE Students Conference on Engineering & Systems (SCES), Prayagraj, India, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SCES50439.2020.9236768.
- D. Pujara, P. Patel and S. Gajjar, “Geo Tracking of Waste, Triggering Alerts and Mapping Areas with High Waste Index,” 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), New Delhi, India, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/INDICON49873.2020.9342100.