Student Name: David Ramirez, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Background and Research Interests:
David Ramirez is a Ph.D. student in computer engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). They received their Masters and Bachelors degrees both in electrical engineering from ASU, focusing in digital signal processing. David has worked in the space and defense industries since 2016 and most recently held the role of Senior Staff Data Scientist. They served in the United States Marine Corps and supported peaceful military operations in nearly a dozen countries. David’s research interests focus on applied machine learning, computer vision, photovoltaic energy, geospatial understanding, and reality capture.
D.F. Ramirez, S. Jayasuriya, A. Spanias, “Towards Live 3D Reconstruction from Wearable Video: An Evaluation of V-SLAM, NeRF, and Videogrammetry Techniques.” Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), 2022.
Peshin, D. Ramirez, J. Lee, H. Braun, C. Tepedelenlioglu, A. Spanias, M. Banavar, and D. Srinivasan, “A Photovoltaic (PV) Array Monitoring Simulator,” 34th IASTED international conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Feb. 2015.
Sunil Rao, David Ramirez, Henry Braun, Jongmin Lee, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, Elias Kyriakides, Devarajan Srinivasan, Jeffrey Frye, Shinji Koizumi, Yoshitaka Morimoto and Andreas Spanias, “An 18 kW Solar Array Research Facility for Fault Detection Experiments”, MELECON, Cyprus, April 2016.
Work is supported in part by the NSF GOALI award 1308052, the NSF REV GOALI supplement 1450616, PoundraLLC, ViaSOLInc, and ACT Corporation.