SenSIP-Tec de Monterrey Workshop



ASU SenSIP- Tec de Monterrey Mini-Workshop on Quantum Machine Learning

April 28, 2023, 2 PM

Objective: To discuss areas of collaboration with Tec de Monterrey in Quantum Machine Learning


  1. Introductions
  2. Andreas Spanias, Quantum Machine Learning and SIgnal Processing at ASU SenSIP
  3. Glen Uehara, Workforce and Research Programs at SenSIP, Industry Perspective, IBM Hub
  4. Aradhita Sharma, Quantum Fourier Transforms and Signal Analysis – Synthesis
  5. Kaden McGuffie, Quantum Machine Learning and Emotion Recognition
  6. Leslie Miller,  Quantum Machine Learning for Radar Applications
  7. Max Yarter, Quantum-Edge Computing for Voice Applications
  8. Professors Juan Arturo Nolazco Flores and Salvador Elías Venegas Andraca,  ITESM Perspective
  9. Discussion and Next Steps


Roadmap for further collaboration of SenSIP and ITESM
Next meeting in June 2023 where ITESM presents research
Seeking support from Quantum Collaborative and ITESM on organizing  joint research and visits




These studies at Arizona State University are being supported in part by NSF awards 2215998, 1659871, 1854273,  1953745 and the SenSIP Center.  Portions also supported in part by the Quantum Collaborative.


Virtual Workshop Meeting