NSF IUSE Workshops and Tutorials, on Sensors, Signal Processing and Machine Learning

IUSE Workshop held June 2016 at ASU University Club . The workshop covered three hours of an adaptive filtering module presented by the PI.  The workshop also included a MATLAB exercise. Participation was from industry, faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students.  The workshop also discussed progress on the IUSE project and the next steps.

  • Adaptive Signal Processing Module: This module provides a survey of adaptive signal processing methods and applications. We give the updated equations of FIR and IIR adaptive filters. We provide brief descriptions of LMS, RLS, and block time and frequency domain algorithms. The module begins with an introduction to adaptive methods and continues with a discussion on least squares and gradient techniques. The session covers various adaptive filter structures and provides information and references on several applications including system identification, linear prediction, noise and echo cancellation, and adaptive arrays.  MATLAB Simulations are demonstrated for several adaptive filter architectures and applications.

Summary of IUSE Workshops

IUSE Workshop Date Industry Students Location
1 June 25, 2016 13 10 ASU Tempe
2 November 9, 2016 24 21 Scottsdale
3 October 31, 2017 27 12 San Jose
4 October 28, 2018 28 13 Napa
5 October 22, 2019 28 13 San Diego
6 April 16, 2019 cancelled cancelled cancelled
7 October 2020 Planned Planned Zoom meeting


IUSE Workshop 1:  Adaptive Filtering and its Applications, ASU

IUSE Workshop 2:  Machine Learning basics, Scottsdale, AZ

IUSE Workshop 3:  Machine Learning for IoT, San Jose, CA

IUSE Workshop 4:  Machine Learning for IoT, NAPA, CA

IUSE Workshop 5:  Machine Learning – PU learning, San Diego, CA

IUSE Workshop 6,7:  Machine Learning for Energy. (6 cancelled, 7 planned as zoom)

IUSE Tutorials using Modules Created for the IUSE Grant

Time and Frequency Domain Adaptive Filtering,  Held at IEEE IISA, Greece July 2016

Signal Processing for Sensor Systems,  Prairie View A&M,  Texas, Nov. 29, 2016  (10 attendees mostly faculty)

J-DSP and Signal Processing,  University of Cyprus, Nicosia Cyprus, Attendees 55 (all undergraduate students), Feb. 2018.

Positive Unlabeled Machine Learning and applications, Held at IEEE IISA, July 2019  (50 attendees)

IUSE Workshop 1:  Adaptive Filtering and its Applications, ASU

IUSE Workshop 2:  Machine Learning basics, Scottsdale, AZ

IUSE Workshop 3:  Machine Learning for IoT, San Jose, CA

IUSE Workshop 4:  Machine Learning for IoT, Napa, CA

IUSE Workshop 5:  Machine Learning – PU learning, San Diego, CA