NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center program for SenSIP I/UCRC IAB Meeting
Date of Meeting : December 6, 2022
Time and Venue for the Meeting: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm (MST) (AZ Local Time) Hybrid
University Club 425 E. University Dr. Tempe, AZ 85287
Register here : Click here
Zoom Link to join the Meeting: Click here to join the meeting Password: sensip2022
Final Agenda
9:00 am | Opening Remarks | A. Spanias, Director ASU |
9:05 am | Status of the Center | A. Spanias |
9:20 am | Tiny ML update | Steve Whalley |
9:30am | Enhancing quantum sensing through quantum control, | Christian Arenz |
9:40am | Plenary Session – Quantum computing: when the right direction is random, | Christian Arenz |
Progress Reports
10:00 am | Neural Rendering for Synthetic Aperture Sonar (Raytheon) | S. Jayasuriya |
10:05 am | Lensless and Pinhole Event Sensing and Detection (Qualcomm) | S. Jayasuriya |
10:12 am | Deep Learning Based Massive MIMO Channel Acquistion: Recent Results (Samsung) | A. Alkhateeb |
10:19 am | FPGA-based Subsampling Algorithms for Space-based Computational Imaging (Alphacore) | O. Iqbal |
10:26 am | Bayesian Optimization for Circuit Design (On Semi) | M. Malu, A. Spanias, G. Dasarathy |
10:33 am | Machine Learning for MEMS Sensor Validation (NXP) | V. Narayanaswamy, A. Spanias |
10:40 am | Quantum Machine Learning: Summary of QML Research Projects | G. Uehara, A. Spanias |
10:47 am | Signal Analysis Synthesis and Compression Using Quantum Fourier Transforms | A. Sharma, A. Spanias |
10:55am – 11:05am Break
Elevator Pitch Presentations(11:05am)
Quantum and Classical Machine Learning for Object Detection Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images | L. Miller |
Designing Counterfactual Generators using Deep Model Inversion | V. Narayanaswamy
Performance Analysis and Profiling of Quantum Simulators Using Application Benchmarks | A. Spanias |
Distributed Consensus Based COVID-19 Hotspot Density Estimation | C.Tepedelenlioglu |
Real-time 3D Reconstruction Fusing Geospatial Satellite Imagery and Ground-Level Sensors | D. Ramirez |
11:30pm Posters
12:00pm Lunch
Quantum and Classical Machine Learning for Object Detection Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images |
Signal Analysis Synthesis and Compression using Quantum Fourier Transforms |
Designing Counterfactual Generators using Deep Model Inversion |
A Comparative Study of Adaptive Quantum Algorithms |
Design and Implementation of a Smart Monitoring Device |
Quantum Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Auditory Emotion Detection |
Quantum Machine Learning and Signal Processing Projects in SenSIP |
Quantum Machine Learning for Speech Recognition |