NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center program for SenSIP I/UCRC IAB Meeting

Date of Meeting December 6, 2022

Time and Venue for the Meeting: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm (MST) (AZ Local Time) Hybrid
                                                        University Club 425 E. University Dr. Tempe, AZ 85287

Register here : Click here

Zoom Link to join the MeetingClick here to join the meeting                                 Password: sensip2022

Final Agenda

9:00 am  Opening Remarks A. Spanias, Director ASU
9:05 am Status of the Center A. Spanias
9:20 am Tiny ML update Steve Whalley


9:30am Enhancing quantum sensing through quantum control, Christian Arenz
9:40am Plenary Session – Quantum computing: when the right direction is random, Christian Arenz

Progress Reports

10:00 am Neural Rendering for Synthetic Aperture Sonar (Raytheon) S. Jayasuriya
10:05 am Lensless and Pinhole Event Sensing and Detection (Qualcomm) S. Jayasuriya
10:12 am Deep Learning Based Massive MIMO Channel Acquistion: Recent Results (Samsung) A. Alkhateeb
10:19 am FPGA-based Subsampling Algorithms for Space-based Computational Imaging (Alphacore) O. Iqbal
10:26 am Bayesian Optimization for Circuit Design (On Semi) M. Malu, A. Spanias, G. Dasarathy
10:33 am Machine Learning for MEMS Sensor Validation (NXP) V. Narayanaswamy, A. Spanias
10:40 am Quantum Machine Learning: Summary of QML Research Projects G. Uehara, A. Spanias
10:47 am Signal Analysis Synthesis and Compression Using Quantum Fourier Transforms A. Sharma, A. Spanias

10:55am – 11:05am Break


Elevator Pitch Presentations(11:05am)

Quantum and Classical Machine Learning for Object Detection Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images L. Miller
Designing Counterfactual Generators using Deep Model Inversion V. Narayanaswamy


Performance Analysis and Profiling of Quantum Simulators Using Application Benchmarks A. Spanias
 Distributed Consensus Based COVID-19 Hotspot Density Estimation C.Tepedelenlioglu
 Real-time 3D Reconstruction Fusing Geospatial Satellite Imagery and Ground-Level Sensors D. Ramirez 


11:30pm Posters

12:00pm Lunch


 Quantum and Classical Machine Learning for Object Detection Using Synthetic  Aperture Radar Images 
Signal Analysis Synthesis and Compression using Quantum  Fourier Transforms  
 Designing Counterfactual Generators using Deep Model Inversion 
A Comparative Study of Adaptive Quantum Algorithms  
Design and Implementation of a Smart Monitoring Device 
Quantum Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Auditory Emotion Detection 
Quantum Machine Learning and Signal Processing Projects in SenSIP
Quantum Machine Learning for Speech Recognition


