
Text Books
  • Andreas Spanias, Ted Painter, Venkatraman Atti, Audio Signal Processing and Coding, Hardcover 544 pages, ISBN: 9780471791478 and 0-471-79147-4, Wiley, Textbook with theory, problems, and MATLAB computer exercises. March 2007.
  • Spanias, Digital Signal Processing; An Interactive Approach – 2nd Edition, 403 pages, Textbook with JAVA exercises, ISBN 978-1-4675-9892-7,Lulu Press On-demand Publishers Morrisville, NC, May 2014.
 Lecture Series Research Books and Monographs
  • H. Braun, P. Turaga, A. Spanias, S. Jayasuriya, Reconstruction Free Compressive Vision, Morgan & Claypool, ISBN 978-1681735566, Ed. J. Mura, April 2019.
  • S. Zhang, C. Tepedelenlioglu, A. Spanias, M. Banavar, Distributed Network Estimation using Consensus Methods, Synthesis Lectures on Communications, Morgan & Claypool Pub., ISBN 9781681732909, Ed. W. Tranter, Feb 2018.
  • Xue (Sophia) Zhang, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, Mahesh Banavar, Andreas Spanias, Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Synthesis Lectures on Communications, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, ISBN: 9781627054850, Ed. William Tranter, 68 Pages, December 2016.
  • Steve Miller, Xue (Sophia) Zhang, Andreas Spanias, Multipath Effects in GPS Receivers, Synthesis Lectures on Communications, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, ISBN 978-1627059312, 70 pages, Ed. William Tranter, 8, No. 1 , Pages 1-70, December 2015.
  • Thiagarajan, K. Ramamurthy, P. Turaga, A. Spanias, Image Understanding Using Sparse Representations,, Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing,  Morgan & Claypool Publishers, ISBN 978-1627053594, 118 pages, Ed. Al Bovik, April 2014.
  • An Introduction to Kalman Filtering with MATLAB Examples, Narayan Kovvali, Mahesh Banavar, Andreas Spanias Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing, , Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Editor Jose Mura, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1-81, ISBN 13: 9781627051392, September 2013.
  • Braun, C. Tepedelenlioglu, A. Spanias, M. Banavar, et al.,  Signal Processing for Solar Array Monitoring, Fault Detection, and Optimization, Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics, Morgan &  Claypool, Book, 1-111 pages, ISBN  978-1608459483, Sep. 2012.
  • Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Andreas Spanias, Analysis of the MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3) Algorithm Using MATLAB, Morgan and  Claypool Publishers, Synthesis Lectures on Algorithms and Software in Engineering,  3, No. 3, Pages 1-129, ISBN-10: 1608458016,  ISBN-13: 978-1608458011,  Nov. 2011.
  • Karthikeyan N. Ramamurthy, Andreas S. Spanias, MATLAB® Software for the Code Excited Linear Prediction Algorithm: The Federal Standard-1016, Morgan and Claypool Publishers, Synthesis Lectures on Algorithms and Software in Engineering,  2, No. 1, Pages 1-109: 1-109, ISBN 1608453847, Jan 2010.
  • Foutz, A. Spanias, M. Banavar, Narrowband Direction of Arrival Estimation for Antenna Arrays, Synthesis Lectures on Antennas, Morgan & Claypool Publishers,  Ed. C. Balanis, Research Monograph, ISBN-13: 978-1598296501, Aug. 2008.


  1. I. Kyriakides, Cognitive Fusion for Target Tracking, Synthesis Lectures on Algorithms and Software in Engineering 10:1, 1-65, ISBN 978-1681736679, Ed. A. Spanias, 2019.
  2. Vimal Kumar, Amartya Sen, Sanjay Madria, Secure Sensor Cloud, ISBN: 9781681734705, Editor A.Spanias, Synthesis Lectures, Morgan and Claypool Publishers, 140 pages, December 2018.
  3. M. Stanley and Jong Ming Lee,  Sensors for IoT Applications,  March 2018,  ISBN 9781627054638,  editor Andreas Spanias,  Synthesis Lectures, Morgan and Claypool Publishers,  113 Pages.
  4. Virtual Design of an Audio Lifelogging System: Tools for IoT Systems, Brian Mears and Mohit Shah,  Ed. A. Spanias, Synth. Lectures on Algorithms and Software in Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, Pages 1-73, June 2016.
  5. Despeckle Filtering for Ultrasound Imaging and Video, Volume II: Selected Applications, Second Edition, Christos P. Loizou, Constantinos S. Pattichis, ISBN: 978-1627058148, August 2015.
  6. Despeckle Filtering for Ultrasound Imaging and Video, Volume I: Algorithms and Software, Second Edition Christos P. Loizou , Constantinos S. Pattichis,  ISBN: 978-1627056687, April 2015.
  7. Latency and Distortion of Electromagnetic Trackers for Augmented Reality Systems, Henry Himberg, Yuichi Motai, Synthesis Lectures on Algorithms and Software, Morgan and Claypool Publishers,, Editor A. Spanias, 189 pages, ISBN 978-1627055079,  May 2014.
  8. Bandwidth Extension of Speech Using Perceptual Criteria, Visar Berisha, Steve Sandoval, Julie Liss, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Series Editor A. Spanias,  ISBN: 9781627053136, October  2013.
  9. Sparse Representations for Radar with MATLAB® Examples,  Peter Knee, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Series Editor A. Spanias,  October  2012.
  10. Theory and Applications of Gaussian Quadrature Methods, Narayan Kovvali, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Series Editor A. Spanias , September 2011.
  11. Algorithms and Software for Predictive and Perceptual Modeling of Speech,  Venkatraman Atti, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Series Editor A. Spanias, March 2011.
  12. Advances in Waveform-Agile Sensing for Tracking, Sandeep Prasad Sira, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Darryl Morrell, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Series Editor A. Spanias, 2008.
  13. Despeckle Filtering Algorithms and Software for Ultrasound Imaging,  Christos P. Loizou, Constantinos S. Pattichis, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Series Editor A. Spanias, 2008.
  14. Adaptive High-Resolution Sensor Waveform Design for Tracking, Ioannis Kyriakides, Darryl Morrell, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, 2010.
  15. OFDM Systems for Wireless Communications, Adarsh B. Narasimhamurthy, Mahesh K. Banavar, Cihan Tepedelenliouglu, 2010.
  16. Advances in Modern Blind Signal Separation Algorithms: Theory and Applications,  Kostas Kokkinakis, Philipos C. Loizou, 2010.